Mid January 2020 market update

Out with the old and in with the new.
As of today, Time Warner Cable in Telluride is a thing of the past. TWC in Telluride and all of it's local assets are now owned and operated by Charter Spectrum Internet. Although most current Time Warner Cable customers in Telluride should not be inconvenienced by the change of ownership, they should notice a boost in internet speeds and responsiveness. Charter Spectrum is promising much higher speed packages with a minimum speed of 60 mbps which is about 16% faster than the highest speed package currently offered by Time Warner Cable in the area.
With the increased fast internet speeds offered, users who demand higher bandwidth for running data intensive cloud applications will find it easier to enjoy themselves when in Telluride as mission critical connectivity will not be compromised. Those individuals looking to raise their children in Telluride or those looking for a lifestyle change and considering a real estate purchase in Telluride will no longer have to sacrifice excellent jobs which often allow for remote workplaces as long as reliable broadband speeds are available. Spectrum will provide Internet access capable of supporting integration with corporate office networks running more data intensive applications which historically have been less reliable on Internet access available in Telluride up until now.
For more information, please visit: Charter Internet